Sunday, August 4, 2013

Want to lose weight? Weight loss tips

For people who want to lose weight, there are many things you can do.  I will briefly talk about 4 things which you can incorporate into your lifestyle to help you lose weight.

Exercise- Exercise can play an important role in losing weight.  When you are exercising. you are moving your body and using your body which speeds up your heart rate. When/if you start to sweat the calories are probably slowly dripping off.

Diet-  Diet can also be important in losing weight.  The right foods in your body can play an important role in the way you think, and can play a role in pretty much all areas of your life.  By making healthy food choices and staying committed to those food choices, you will be able to have a routine to follow which can help motivate you to stay more committed to achieve your weight loss result.

Supplements- There are supplements which you can buy which can also help you lose weight.  One of these supplements is called the Acai berry which is known as a superfood. You can purchase Acai berry here.  The Acai berry is said to have many benefits.  Some of these benefits include a high amount of antioxidants, anti aging properties, improvements in diet, weight loss, and more.  If you have some time, do research on  Acai berry to read about the benefits and make a choice if you think it is suitable for you.

Discipline- Discipline is important if you want to lose weight.  In order to stay committed to your weight loss goals, you need to be disciplined.  Whether this means being disciplined by working out x times a week, or being disciplined by following a strict diet which has benefit to you, being disciplined will help you on this weight loss journey.

So those are 4 quick tips to think about if you are considering losing weight.  Try to incorporate these into your daily routines and track the amount of weight loss you have achieved.  In whatever way suites you best, track it that way.  It could be by month, or week, but by observing the results you have achieved, even if it's just a couple pounds, can really motivate you because you can see the results you have obtained from the work you have put in which can be a huge motivator.

Thanks for reading.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

P90x workout review

In my opinion, P90x workout is a great workout program you can use to make huge fitness gains.  Just look at the testimonials and body transformations people have gone through when using this program.  P90x offers a variety of exercises which you can complete at home.   It is a 90 day program but you can keep going if you want to.

After you buy P90x that is where your journey begins.  You will have to stay focused if you want to make fitness gains, they won't just come to you.  If you stay committed to the program you will see results.
P90x has workouts for your whole body and even has yoga aswell.  

As many people probably already know, P90x has a workout called the P90x ab ripper which focuses on your core and abs.  It is a solid 15 minute workout which focuses directly on your abs.  This workout can give you those six pack abs you have always wanted, again if you put in the right amount of focus and stay committed.  The P90x ab ripper workout is done every second day and is a great workout for your abdominal muscles.

If you really want to start getting in shape and take your fitness to a whole new level, then try out P90x today.

Workouts at home to gain muscle

There are several workouts at home you can do to gain muscle.  Working out at home is a great way to save money and has many other benefits involved.  Some of these benefits include:   

  1. Not having to wait for someone to finish with an exercise. 
  2. Workout at your own pace. 
  3. Not having to hear other people. (This can be a benefit depending on the situation.)  
  4. Gives you direct access to exercises without having to leave home.      
1. Not having to wait for someone to finish with an exercise can improve your workout routine.  When you are in the middle of completing your workouts which are part of your workout routine, and you are in that groove where you feel strong and pumped, waiting for someone to finish with a  particular exercise may effect the way you will perform the workout then if you were to not wait.       The reason I say this is because your attention is focused on waiting for them to finish with the workout and by the time they are done with it, you might use up some energy and lose the pump you had.  So this may play an important role in the muscle gains you achieve.

2. Working out at your own pace give you the time to complete the exercises you are doing properly and may improve your focus on the workout aswell.  Your mind can easily be distracted when your at the gym, but if you are at home working out there will probably be less distractions which can allow you to put most of your attention on the workout itself.

3. Not having to hear other people is similar to the distractions.  Sometimes you may just want to workout alone without any distractions or outside noises which can effect the way your workout goes.

4. Gives you direct access to exercises without having to leave home.  This allows you to save money and make and plan your own workout routine at home.  You can make it on your own terms, and create a workout routine schedule which seems alright with you.  Here is an example of how having such a direct access to workouts at home can improve your commitment to your workout routine.
There could be a situation where you would go workout but you just don't feel like getting ready and driving to the gym, or taking the bus, whatever route you use to get there.  You just might not feel it, but with the exercises at home, this removes that feeling because you don't even have to leave your home.  So this is an example of how having direct access to exercises at home can be a benefit to your workout routine and overall body transformation.

Hope you enjoyed reading this article.

Thanks for reading.

Biceps flex

Showing a biceps flex is a way to show your workout progress and allows you to see the results you've obtained.

I personally like to workout biceps, and then show a biceps flex when my arms feel like they have a good pump. I try and workout my biceps maybe twice a week, and I am currently doing at home workouts.

At home workouts allow you to go at your own pace and own time and gives you the opportunity to put your best effort in every workout you do.  Yah, you can put alot of effort in the gym aswell, but when you are at home you don't feel rushed and don't need to wait for someone to finish with a particular exercise before you do it.  

Showing a biceps flex is also another way to help motivate people to workout.  When they see the results of your biceps flex it pushes them to try even harder to achieve results.  So showing a biceps flex may motivate people to start working out from either not working out, or currently working out but wanting more gains.  
As most people know, working out when done right is healthy for the self, so this may give people an avenue to start making more positive healthy life choices in the long run.

Showing a biceps flex is also a way for you to keep motivated as well.   If you can see the development and progress you make every time you do a biceps flex, this can motivate you to keep going and achieve even more muscle gains.

If you are into working out and exercising then making workout progress videos such as biceps flex videos is a good way to show your muscle gains and workout progress.  Also, you can take photos aswell.  Maybe take a photo each month and see the differences between them.  See the results from the work you have put in.

By sharing your workout results you can make a difference and motivate someone to change their life.

This is my article on biceps flex.

Body transformation muscle gain

To achieve a body transformation you need to put in the work, and by putting in the work this means exercising, working out.  

Working out can be a fun thing to do if you make it part of your routine.  Having a workout routine can give you the dedication and commitment which can eventually lead to working out becoming a habit, and give you the body transformation you desire.

How can you do this? Well start by writing down or thinking to yourself of a schedule you plan on following for the month.  How many days a week do you want to workout?  What types of exercises do you want to do during the week to help you achieve the muscle gains and body transformation you want?  These are some of the questions you can answer while making your workout plan.

Once you have a decent idea of how your workout plan is going to go..Then follow it.  Follow the workout plan and even when you don't feel like working out for the day, push yourself, stay committed, stay focused.

There will be times where you have followed your workout routine tremendously, but then all of a sudden a day or week comes where you just don't have any motivation and you don't feel like working out at all.  My advice to you is on that day go workout.  By working out on that day you are pushing yourself to complete a workout which your mind is trying to convince you not to.  This can help you achieve that body transformation you have always wanted.

After your workout, you will probably feel like you made a good decision, while if you didn't workout on that day, you may be feeling frustrated and agitated  because deep down you know you could have worked out if you wanted to, and kept the workout routine going but you decided to do something else with your time.

These are just examples, if your body is telling you not to workout or you feel you have pushed yourself too hard then by all means don't do it.  But I hope you know where I'm coming from here..Use some common sense.

Even if you miss some of your workout routine and are frustrated with yourself, use  that frustration to your advantage on your next workout.

Hope this helps your workout motivation and keeps you motivated to achieve the body transformation you desire.

Thanks for reading.